On ApartmentTherapy.com, Tess Wilson wrote a little bit about how she and her husband managed to solve their problem of different temperature preferences. It turns out that the secret is humidity:
“...You don't have to cool the house very much in order to make a big difference! A tiny adjustment can remove the humidity from the house, which makes all the difference in the world. On hot days, we've been setting the thermostat at about 83ºF, and if it's in the low 80ºs with low humidity, we simply open all the windows and turn on the ceiling fans. At night, however, all my money — and energy — saving goes out the window because I have a terrible time sleeping unless it's cold. I like to think my daytime thriftiness and my nighttime extravagance balance each other out, and luckily, the rest of my household agrees.”So by opening windows and using ceiling fans, you can easily achieve a temperature that pleases everyone by removing humidity from the apartment! And, of course, this has the added benefit of saving electricity as well!
Do you and your roommates or family have another secret to finding the right temperature for everyone? Post it to our Facebook wall and share it with the rest of our residents.
Stay cool! (Or warm!)
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